Friday, November 13, 2009

THE THREE LIFE STAGES OF TEMPTATION -- Devotional for November 13, from "Good Seeds"

Flee youthful lusts (II Timothy 2:22). I will say to myself, “Self, you have many goods laid up for many years, so eat, drink and be merry” (Luke 12:19). The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10a).

The three avenues of temptation appeal to men and women in the three stages of life: First: the lust of the flesh (THE FLESH) appeals to young people. They’re no longer children, so they’ve put away childish toys and games. Now they’re ready for some “adult” activities and pleasures. We live in a culture that worships at the altar of youth. How often do you see commercials for products that enhance learning and character? Almost never! The products that sell are those that promise to restore to us the health, strength, beauty, passion and virility of a twenty year old. The lust of the flesh appeals to the young – and all who would be young again! Second: the lust of the eyes (THE WORLD) appeals strongest to those of mature adult years. As we age another passion fills our radar screen: money and the things money can buy. In the middle years of life we come to fully maturity in the exercise of our strengths, skills and talents, and we make the delightful discovery that people value us for how we perform and for what we can produce. So what if we don’t look sixteen any longer, we’d rather have the full belly and big bank account of a successful businessman than the trim figure and empty pockets of a starving student! Third: The pride of life (THE DEVIL). Satan hardly needs to make a personal appearance in the lives of young people, and mature adults – his tools of fleshly and worldly passions do most of the work for him, giving him more time to visit the elderly. That’s right, the devil works hardest on those in their sunset years, when they look back and question, “What was it all about, anyway? Was all the effort worth it? Look at all the fun experiences I’ve had, and all the money I’ve made. Weren’t these things supposed to bring meaning and value to my life? Then why is my life so empty now? And who will miss me when I’m gone? Rather, I think they can’t wait till I’m out of their way, out of their hair. I can’t wait either. In fact, maybe I’ll just take my life into my own hands – and take my life!” A person who thinks this way isn’t coming up with the idea on his own. He has help. He has inspiration for all these lies, from the Father of Lies himself, who was not only a liar from the beginning, but a thief and murderer, too. His one passion is to destroy mankind, body, soul and spirit. He works on the body first, the soul next, but his crowning achievement is to drag our spirit all the way to the pit. Our only help our only hope, is Jesus, who said, “But I am come that they might have life in all its fullness” (John 10:10b).

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