Friday, November 13, 2009

THE THREE AVENUES OF TEMPTATION -- Devotional for November 12, from "Good Seeds"

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. (I John 2:16-17)

The Bible says temptation comes to mankind via three channels: the flesh, the world, and the devil. This is the “unholy trinity” every man faces throughout his life. I John 2:16 succinctly lists the three categories: “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” You can pretty well know that whenever you are tempted to sin it will be through one or more of these three channels. When Satan tempted Eve in the Garden he left nothing to chance: he used all three: It was a beautiful day in Eden; the sun was high in the sky – in fact, it was straight up noon and Eve was starting to feel pretty hungry. Enter Satan, disguised as a snake. “What’s for lunch today, Madam Eve. Not the same old thing, I hope!” And through his eyes she saw that the fruit God had forbidden her and Adam to eat was “good for food” #1: the lust of the flesh. Next, like any good salesman making his pitch, the serpent pointed out how beautiful the fruit was, that it was “a delight to the eyes”: “Have you ever seen a piece of fruit as knock ‘em dead cherry red as this?” – #2: the lust of the eyes. Finally, Satan steps up to the pulpit. Did you know the first sermon ever preached was by Pastor Lucifer? “Let me tell you how to find real life! Let me teach you what God knows and wants you to know. He told you not to eat that fruit, you say? Yes, but think about it: maybe that was just His way of getting you to do what He actually wants you to do – you know, sort of a reverse psychology – which is to eat it, so that your fellowship with Him can be complete. Remember, He made you in His image, so this is simply your part in the process of becoming like God, knowing what only God and His children can know: the deeper truths of ethics and morality.” And then, like all good sermons, this one ends with an invitation. Eve is urged to come forward to make a decision -– a decision that will affect her life, and her relationship with God, for now and forever! Eve gets out of her seat and makes her way to the altar – the tree of the knowledge of good and evil – and there, fully convinced its fruit will endow her with heavenly wisdom, she gives her life away – and gives in to the third kind of temptation - #3: the pride of life. Eve learned the exchanged life that day: she exchanged the genuine God for a counterfeit. And that’s what Satan continues to do today, three ways: 1) by reminding us of our legitimate bodily needs and hungers; 2) by walking us past flashy displays, of "Mother Earth", and the clever things man has come up with; and 3) by convincing us that we can have it all – because we’re worth it, and we deserve it.

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