Saturday, June 20, 2009

SHEEP NEED A SHEPHERD -- Devotional for June 20, from "Good Seeds"

A child left to himself will bring shame to his parents (Proverbs 29:15). In those days there was no king in Israel, and every man did what was right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25). I exhort the elders among you, shepherd the flock of God, not lording it over them, but proving to be examples (I Peter 5:1-2). When Jesus saw the multitudes He was moved with compassion, because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd (Matt 9:36).

Human history is checkered with cases of wicked despots ruling nations with an iron fist, and of self-serving monarchs caring nothing for their subjects, except for what tribute and riches they can bring into the royal coffers. Sad to say, such ruthless and callous leadership is far more widespread on the far smaller scale of the family, where cruel or absentee parents do their children equal injustice whether they mistreat them or retreat from them. Man’s inhumanity to man seems to show itself most awfully when certain individuals, empowered by imperial bloodline, genetic genius, or a sinister ambition for superiority, move to the fore and begin to take charge of the lives of their fellows. The idea of the common people having the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is totally foreign to such tyrants. Societies so quickly break into castes, where groups or individuals are assigned, at the bottom, to a position lower than dirt, all the way to the top, to near equality (in their minds) with God. Such disrespect and mistreatment of human beings eventually leads to a swing to the opposite extreme: rebellion against all authority and leadership, leading at best to aimless wandering, at worst to bloody revolution. God makes it clear in His Word that when customary, normal leadership is lacking or rejected, downcast hearts and shameful behaviors will be sure to follow. Anyone who has served for any length of time in a place of authority, whether as a parent, a boss, a police officer, a judge, or a pastor, knows the fear and sometimes heartache that come with having to administer correction, reproof or punishment to those under their charge. Regardless of the position, and whether inside or outside of the church, God has given a clear mandate to all leaders: “Do not lord it over your people, but lead by example.” Jesus taught that a godly leader looks a lot more like a servant than a master (see Matthew 20:25-28). But still, people are sheep, and sheep need shepherds. Those called of God for the job must not shirk their duty to lead, but to be sure to always do it in love – and always by example: showing, not shouting; beckoning, not barking, and with compassion, not criticism or complaining. It’s a pretty tall order, but we’ve got Jesus, “the Great Shepherd of the Sheep” (Hebrews 13:20) to show us how.

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