Monday, June 29, 2009

GOD'S BIRTHDAY PRESENT TO YOU -- Devotional for June 26, from "Good Seeds"

NOTE TO READERS -- I've been attending the Moore family reunion in Dana Point and Palos Verdes, California, in honor of my parents' 70th wedding anniversary. I've been dutifully writing the devotionals all along, but haven't always had access to the internet. With these next four entries, I should have you all caught up. Write to me sometime and let me know if you're reading this. Thanks and God bless you!

And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let each exercise them accordingly (Romans 12:6). As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (I Peter 4:10).

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when our birthday approaches? Well, it depends on our age, I suppose: every birthday from about age thirty on up becomes a negative reminder of what we’re losing: our youth! But children are exhilarated at each new birthday. For one reason, they can’t wait to grow up, when they will have the privileges enjoyed by the more mature. But there’s a far more pressing motivation: presents! Yes, this is the time when kids can expect and enjoy with impunity a plethora of gifts just for them. Like Christmas, a birthday, for a child, is all about the presents. As hard as we work to train our children not to be focused on self, and greedy for goodies, I believe God is far more pleased to see in us this positive childhood attitude of what gifts we hope to get (for we are His children after all!) than the worried adult reaction of what hoarded resources we fear to lose! As our Father He knows how to give good gifts to His children, for “God gives us all things richly to enjoy” (I Timothy 6:17). But more specifically, God carefully selects just the perfect gift for each one of us on the day of our “birth.” The Bible speaks of these charismata, these gifts for believers, in four different places in the New Testament: Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and I Peter 4. Many gifts are mentioned, some more than once. The fact that they are discussed in varying contexts with differing applications seems to imply that the list of spiritual gifts is not conclusive or exhaustive, but rather merely suggestive. And as there are no two snowflakes alike, so there are no two Christians alike. It follows that the gifts assigned to us would have to be different, to match the unique tasks God has for each one of us to fulfill. But there is one common thread running through the entire list, and if the gift and how we use it does not meet this criterion we’d better check our sources one more time. Though Paul seems to be the expert in this field, it was Peter who summarized it best: If we desire to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us, we must employ them for one purpose alone: TO SERVE OTHERS! Spiritual Gifts, as varied as they may be, are never to be thought of as toys to play with, but rather as tools to work with. And the work we do is not primarily done in dusty libraries or hallowed halls, but out in the world of men. What did God give you on your spiritual birthday? Is it still wrapped up? Is it on the shelf? Are you just toying with it? Or are you employing it daily in serving one another?

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