Monday, October 12, 2009

KAMI SAMA -- Devotional for October 13, from "Good Seeds"

Jesus said, “I and My Father are one.” Upon hearing this the Jews started gathering stones to stone Him. (John 10:30-31)

The word for god in the Japanese language is kami. When we use the word to refer to the one and only true God, we capitalize it. To make a similar distinction the Japanese add sama, a term of great respect. Kami sama could be translated, “the most respected God.” I’m writing this now from Japan, “the land of respect.” That is a key word here. Everything is about showing respect and honor and consideration. If it is done between people, why stop there? Why not continue it on into your religion? And so the people bow to one another, countrymen and foreigners alike. And they bow to God – that that is to god, or gods, or God – it doesn’t seem to matter. I used to think I had an edge on understanding Japanese religious thought by presenting to them this “unique” concept of kami sama, introducing to them the one and only true God, Creator of the Universe, that that would make all the difference in their thinking and set the stage for evangelizing them. But I’ve come to realize this is not a new concept to them. Just yesterday at a local store I was talking to a Japanese man who wanted to practice his English on me. I said, “I believe in God.” He said, “So do I.” Then I said, “But I believe in Jesus.” At that his face turned sour and he said, “No, Buddha!” This sparring match between “lesser gods” is what almost always happens when presenting the gospel in Japan. They have no problem with believing in God (though their understanding of Him is a far cry from the Bible) – it’s Jesus Christ they have trouble with. But is this anything new? To the Jews of New Testament times Christ’s introduction of Himself as the Son of God, as co-equal with God, was tantamount to blasphemy. Such a one, according to Jewish law, was to be immediately put to death. But for the religions of the world with a pantheon of gods, Jesus is given an equal respectful place, right up there next to Buddha (or maybe just one step below him!) To present Jesus as the face of God, the Son of God, the Word of God, the only way to God (even for the Christian who believes in the deity of Christ it is difficult to express this truth without getting it wrong) is a challenge indeed. But apart from Jesus, kami sama is only “Mr. God” – He can never be my Abba Father, my Savior – the Lover of my soul!

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