Friday, October 23, 2009

MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE DARKNESS -- Devotional for October 22, from "Good Seeds"

We were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. (Acts 16:6)

The very first missionary movement was in the years of the early church, immediately following the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ. Paul was among the first, and without doubt the greatest, of the early missionaries. Earlier, when Jesus walked and talked with His disciples, He occasionally would send them out on their own, with the edge of His clear and personal commission, but without the advantage of His indwelling Spirit. Jesus promised that when He returned to heaven He would leave His presence with them, and IN them, in the person of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-18). We still must listen to the voice of Jesus as He directs us in spreading the gospel, by hearing and obeying the voice of His Spirit. Paul heard it loud and clear, many times, including the times God continually forbade him from going east, into Asia. The area referred to in this verse is modern day Turkey, part of the middle east, the gateway to the far east. We know that western Christians later traveled to China for trading for silks and spices, and history tells us that Marco Polo did indeed share some semblance of Christianity during his many overland trips from Europe to China. Later, in the 18th century, Japan was visited by Christian missionaries. But suddenly, for political reasons, that island nation was closed to western influence for over a hundred years. Then came the terrible war where nations under the imperialist attacks of Japan defended themselves, culminating in the only two times (to date) when a nuclear bomb was used in warfare between nations. When peace was made with Japan, Christian missionaries once again came to introduce the Good News of the Risen Son to the “Land of the Rising Sun!” Though Japan is one of America’s “most favored nations,” they have assimilated western culture’s materialistic ways far more thoroughly than accepting the way to God through Jesus. Now the question comes to me and my wife: “Are we still under the curse of Acts 16:6, or will God open a door, specifically for us, to go to Japan with the love of Jesus?” First it was our Japanese exchange students, and then it was our Japanese-American friend, Yoshi, who have introduced to us these beautiful people, 99% of whom are still without Christ. The bright lights of this 85% urban nation cannot mask its spiritual darkness. This song expresses my awareness of Japan’s darkness, and my desire to go turn on the light: We are going to Japan because they need to see the light of Jesus in Japan…will you go there with me? We are going to Japan because they need to know the love of Jesus in Japan…that’s why we want to go. We are going to Japan because there’s darkness there, to make a difference in the darkness, shining forth His care, glowing with His care, sowing seeds of care…bringing Jesus there!

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