Thursday, October 22, 2009

DANGEROUS RETIREMENT -- Devotional for October 21, from "Goods Seeds"

Jesus told of a rich man who said to himself, “I have many goods laid up for many years to come; so now, I will take my ease, eat, drink and be merry.” But God said to him, “You fool! This very night your soul is required of you!” Such is the end of the man who lays up treasure for himself, but is not rich toward God. For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul? And what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”(Luke 12:19-21; Mark 8:35-37)

We all know people who are retired. Some scrape miserably along, while others live high and happy. Some retire at a surprisingly young age, while others wait for that magic sixty-five year old marker, or even later, when they are finally able to make it happen. Some men retire only to hang around the house with nothing to do but drive their wives crazy! Others finally get to do what they’ve always longed to do, but never had the time or resources, and virtually blossom into a second life, finding many more years – much better years – of productivity and satisfaction. Still others, whose only life was their job, sadly waste away, disappearing before dying, when they see how the world – their world – is doing so well without them, having quite forgotten them! What does the Bible say about retirement? The closest thing I could find were these two teachings of Jesus: one a story, the other a sermon, neither giving a very rosy picture, nor conferring much approval from heaven –- even though the scenario Jesus painted of the rich retiree is the goal of the hard working Type-A business or professional man or woman today. But, as always, the Bible washes away the glossy façade, revealing the true interior. If wealthy retirement is a white-washed tomb, a pauper in spirit is the putrid dead man’s bones that reside inside! (see Matthew 23:27). It isn’t that our Lord condemns wise planning and investing enabling one to discontinue the daily nine to five grind in order to follow more meaningful, creative and productive pursuits. Indeed, many Christian retirees are able to give service in Jesus’ name, working as volunteers for ministries or missionaries without needing any outside support, thus leaving funds alone that are needed by those on the front lines for God who have little mouths to feed and bills to pay. The issue is not whether or not one retires, but rather what is his highest goal, his highest treasure (Matthew 6:21). If he spent his working years working for money, money will continue to dominate his retirement years. Some men leave goodwill behind – others just leave a good will! The rich retiree was called a fool, not for his wealth of pocket, but for his poverty of spirit. May that not describe you or me!

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