Monday, September 21, 2009

THE MEN'S WEARHOUSE -- Devotional for September 20, from "Good Seeds"

When others see you, let them notice first your chaste and respectful behavior. When they look at you, even at what you are wearing, may it not be your external appearance that draws their attention. No, rather let even the way you dress reveal the hidden person of the heart, the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit. This is most precious in the sight of God. (I Peter 5:2-4)

A church that was looking for a new pastor included this interesting question on their candidate application form: “What style of dress do you prefer for Sunday morning worship, and why?” The question strikes me as unusual only in that dress codes in church are usually directed more to the women than to the men – maybe because fashion and appearance seem to have greater significance to the fairer sex, and also have a greater impact on society, both inside and outside of the church. So, how should the potential pastor answer this question regarding his wardrobe for Sunday services? Some schools handle the issue of propriety in dress by requiring uniforms for students. And many churches do the same by having their ministers don clerical vestments when performing their priestly functions. But where does that leave the pastors of churches with a less formal (dare we say less Old Testament!) persuasion? In I Corinthians 7:25 Paul wrote this to fathers regarding their unmarried daughters, “Now concerning virgins I have no command of the Lord, but I give an opinion as one who by the mercy of God is trustworthy.” By application we could replace virgins with other topics also not directly addressed in the Bible. Although Paul said this was merely his opinion, this is inspired Scripture, after all, so it becomes the opinion of God, too! Keeping that in mind, other trustworthy spokesmen for God can still very carefully proceed to give their “sanctified opinion” on certain matters. Here’s my suggested rule of thumb for the question before us: Let the pastor observe what the men who are looked up to in the church are wearing, and then match that. No Christian, man or woman, should draw attention, either for being too fancy or too casual. To attend church dressed in everyday or even sloppy clothes shows disrespect to the people, to the Lord, and to His house. But to “overdress” in flashy clothes is to say, “I’m a cut above, so look at me, and notice me as a person of distinction and importance!” In Matthew 6 we read Christ’s opinion about that: “Do not parade up and down the street advertising your humility – when fasting, or your spirituality – when giving.” And in I Peter 5 we find God’s policy for both men and women: “Let what you wear reflect who you are, deep inside – and may that be “the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, so precious in the sight of God!”

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