Friday, August 14, 2009

UNWELCOME ANSWERED PRAYER -- Devotional for August 14, from "Good Seeds"

He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their souls. (Psalm 106:15)

Hear this wisdom from an ancient pagan religion: “When the gods are angry they answer your prayers.” We will accept God’s truth wherever we find it, and this statement reflects the biblical principle of Unwelcome Answered Prayer, as seen in today’s verse. The prayer God delights to hear from His people is that of faith and thanksgiving, as we read in Psalm 106:4-5: “Remember me, O Lord, in Thy favor toward Thy people, that I may rejoice in the gladness of Thy salvation and glory in Thine inheritance.” Oh if we could just pray this prayer – and stop there! But the psalmist goes on to tell the sad story of Israel’s wickedness in the wilderness. Wickedness? Are we talking about heinous sins of immorality and depravity? No. The sin that was so big in God’s eyes was the spirit of discontent. On the first leg of their emancipation journey, the Israelites’ faith is tested when they find themselves caught between a rock (the Red Sea) and a hard place (Pharaoh’s army). If they had merely cried out in distress, that would have been no problem for God – He delights in rescuing us from desperate circumstances. But the Bible says they “rebelled by the sea, not remembering His abundant kindnesses” (vs. 7). God is patient with our weakness, but cannot abide disobedience. Compare this to the human family: a little girl falls and scrapes her knee; Mommy runs to her cries, dresses the wound and dries her eyes. Next day this same sweet innocent little girl accompanies Mommy to the supermarket, and there sees something she wants. Again she cries, but this time it’s not a call for help to meet a genuine need, but rather a cry of insolent insistence demanding to have it – NOW! Her mother knows the item is not something her daughter should have at this time, but when she says "No," Sissy makes a scene by throwing a tantrum. What should Mama do? I’ve seen children get a tongue-lashing or even a swat right out in public. More often than not the child is appeased, just for temporary peace, to avoid a scene – but wait till they get home! Now, back to the Jews: still in the wilderness on the way to the Promised Land, the children of Israel express their discontent with this tasteless (but nutritious) manna. Imagine, a from-the-sky miracle provision from God every day, and still the people moan and nag. They throw a tantrum – so God gives them the meat they crave. But “when they get home,” He really gives it to them (see Numbers 11:31-34). Beware of craving what God is saving for later, or what He knows will harm you. Don’t force His hand to answer your foolish prayer – He might just give you what you want. But then don't be surprised if such a thing from His hand feels more like a spanking than a blessing!

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