Tuesday, March 3, 2009

LISTEN TO YOUR "JETHRO" -- Devotional for March 3, from "Good Seeds"

This is not good!" Moses' father-in-law exclaimed. "You're going to wear yourself out – and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself. Now listen to me, and let me give you a word of advice. (Ex 18:17-19 NLT)

Our speaker at a senior adult Bible conference gave this advice: “When they’re young, speak to your children about the Lord; but when they’re grown speak to the Lord about your children.” He went on to spell out what we pretty much already knew: The time comes when we can no longer teach and train our children, when whatever we’ve done in that department, for good or ill, is over and done with. Happily, we still have effective parent work to do – it’s called prayer! This was good advice, and I try hard to follow it. But in my heart of hearts I grieve over this “Older Parent Gag Rule,” and I wonder, though it seems sensible from a psychological point of view, what God thinks about it. Well, what does the Bible say? Today’s Scripture gives the words of a man who seems to disagree with our speaker! Enter Jethro, an uneducated shepherd, presuming to advise the greatest leader in history – not just advise, but admonish! Was it right for him to assume the role of teacher/mentor/father/counselor over someone who by virtue of maturity and experience could be his peer, and who by virtue of his walk with God, was surely his spiritual superior? We all resent unasked-for advice – from anyone, but especially from our parents! I guess Jethro never read the right books, for while visiting his daughter and family, he saw something terribly wrong, and spoke right up about it. It concerned “burnout,” an issue even more relevant today than in those slower, quieter times. He saw right through Moses’ sincerity to his stupidity, and was not afraid to call him on it! Apparently Jethro wasn’t worried whether he might offend his son-in-law. I guess he was more concerned about the issue of right and wrong than the issue of sensitive feelings! (By the way, the solution he suggested is the same one people pay big bucks to hear today!) Lesson #1 – for fathers: Be careful to not just blow off steam about what you don’t approve regarding the younger generation. They won’t listen, so it won’t help. Lesson #2 – for sons: Hear the opinions and invite the counsel of your parents. Remember, a man doesn’t have to be a Bible scholar for God to use him to teach and help you. Just look at old Jethro! And look at Moses, too, who wasn’t affronted or offended, but accepted the almost harsh words from this old man as if they were from God. Maybe because they were! Do you have a Jethro? Will you be his Moses?

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