Hi family and friends. In 2004 I made the New Year's Resolution to write a poem a day, and a book was the result. Now, five years later, to the day, I've resolved to write "a prose a day." It will be a one page devotional, one for each day of the year. When writing my poems I always go back afterwards and write some more on the same subject, filling in more thoughts that I didn't put in the poem. These "essays" sometimes turned out to be little sermonettes. Karen suggested I do this intentionally and put it in a Daily Devotional format. So that's what I've been doing so far this year. Now I'd like to try it out on others. My next blog will be today's entry in GOOD SEEDS. Each day when I write the devotion, I read it to Karen. Well this morning she took the book as it stands so far and read it to herself. She said, being a visual learner, it was much better reading it on paper than just hearing it. So that's what I'm doing now, letting my friends read it. It's not so important that others read it, at this point, but it is extremely important, to me, that I write it. And having this discipline of adding a new devotional on a regular basis, hopefully daily, will motivate me to keep going and not to quit. I'll sign off for now, but meet you again...planting seeds, and seeking a harvest! -- Steve
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